April 13, 2016

Adrian Paul and Ethan Dettenmaier and I discuss recent headlines about 10,000 refugee children missing throughout Europe, Boko Haram's war on education, and their barbaric use of children (and especially young girls) as suicide bombers and slaves.

From asking her parents if she could give her pacifiers to babies in need at age 3, to donating 100 pairs of shoes to a battered women's shelter at age 10, to collecting and distributing 460,000 books to kids in hospitals, homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters, and residential treatment centers across the United States and around the world via Sheltering Books, Hero of the Week Mackenzie Bearup tells us how she battles Complex Regional Pain Syndrome by living a literal lifetime of Protecting, Educating, and Aiding Children Everywhere!

(And don't forget to check out Sheltering Books on Facebook to see photos from her recent events that donate thousands of books at a time!)