Param Shah

Param Shah

Param is a 17 year old high school student from Irvine, CA, a very privileged area in terms of safety and health. Traveling to India on several vacations, he saw the city life as well as the rural villages and was appalled by the conditions that most of the population lived in. 

According to the 2011 Population Census of India, 61.4% of the population is located in rural areas.  Chronic diseases are a leading cause of death and disability in India, accounting for 53% of all deaths.  Children in the rural areas of India are not able to receive proper medical treatment nor have the proper resources to combat these fatal diseases and disorders.

Taking inspiration from other organizations that help causes in third world countries, he decided to create an organization that would aid the children in these rural areas. The lotus is a symbol of India as well as a symbol of blooming and development, and the Lotus Life Foundation takes inspiration from this flower to show that they can help these children develop their lives and grow despite their diseases and disorders.

Param Shah has appeared in the following PEACE Fund Radio episodes: