Isabelle and Katherine Adams

Isabelle and Katherine Adams

Back on our January 15, 2014 show, we told you about Isabelle and Katherine Adams, the daughters of Ken and Deborah Adams of Dallas, Texas, who've been using art to aid other children since they were barely past the toddler stage, when they made and sold wood-carved animals to support the young burn victims at Camp I-Thonka-Chi. 

After Ken taught the girls Origami -- the Japanese art of paper folding -- they founded Paper For Water.  Their goal was to raise $500 to partially fund a well in Ethiopia by giving hand crafted origami Christmas ornaments at Starbucks in exchange for donations.  They took their first donation on November 3rd, 2011 and the first night they sold out.  By December 31st, 2011 they had raised over $10,000 to more than fund a whole well in Ethiopia.  As of March 1st, 2016 these two girls who are now 10 and 12 with the help of hundreds of volunteers have raised almost $800,000 to fund over 100 wells in Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia,  India, Mexico, Nicaragua, Nigeria, Peru, Uganda,Zimbabwe and on the Navajo Reservation in Smith Lake, New Mexico.

Isabelle and Katherine join us by phone from their school today to tell us why and how they've done it!

Isabelle and Katherine Adams has appeared in the following PEACE Fund Radio episodes: