September 2, 2022

On today's show, Adrian and Ethan take a look at the importance of literacy.

September 8 is World Literacy Day. The day is observed to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities, and societies. The first World Literacy Day was held in 1967, and it has been an annual event for the past 50 years.

As we all know, an educated population is a country’s greatest wealth. Education transforms lives and breaks the cycle of poverty that traps so many children. An educated child will make sure her own children receive an education. Education is the single largest determining factor for future economic status.

Literacy is probably the single-most important part of education. Without literacy, all other learning is impossible. Literacy involves using reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing to gain more knowledge. Literacy is essential for learning.

All across America, children from low-income communities are entering kindergarten without the basic early literacy necessary to succeed. These children enter the school system behind their more affluent peers and are unable to catch up.

Students who don't read proficiently by the 3rd grade are 4 times likelier to drop out of school. Across the U.S., 85% of juveniles who interact with the court system are functionally illiterate, and 60% of the nation’s inmates are illiterate.