August 28, 2020

On today's show, Adrian and Ethan discuss keeping kids focused on learning with so many school districts starting the school year with virtual classes. Later, we hear about some kids making a difference in their community.

When schools across the country suddenly closed in March and went online, large numbers of students simply didn’t log into class. Even for those students who did show up, many of them weren’t paying much attention or doing their schoolwork. As many school districts across the nation are starting a new school year with virtual learning, what can parents and teachers do to keep kids learning?

Students thrive on routines at school. It helps kids organize and use their time efficiently throughout the school day. Online learning is much more self-paced and self-managed. To establish predictable routines at home, families can create weekly schedules that include time allotted for academics, unstructured time for playing or working on projects, and even regular family meetings.

Try to get children on the same schedule they had when they were going into school. That means the same wake-up time. Have kids start schoolwork at the same hour they used to start classes.

Contact your child’s school, as well as the local school district and state education resources for support. This is especially critical if your child has an IEP or 504 plan and requires additional support and services at school.

14-year-old William Cabaniss Raises Thousands For Food Bank By Creating Vanilla

Tennessee baker William Cabaniss remembers adding vanilla to brownies just after watching a COVID-19 news segment about long lines for food banks across the States. It wasn’t right, he thought. People shouldn’t be hungry.

As the 14-year-old was making his chocolatey mix, he had a brainwave. He could raise funds for his local food bank—Second Harvest Food Bank of East Tennessee—by making and selling every baker’s best friend: vanilla extract.

Through his nonprofit, Vanilla Feeds Tomorrow, William has made over $9,000 dollars in profits, providing over 27,000 meals for those in need. Buying a 8 oz. bottle of homemade Pure Vanilla Extract from William and his family means providing 42 meals for people who are hungry.

17-year-old Emme Shaffer Provides Virtual Tutoring Service

Emme, a current high school student, founded Tutor Togetherto assist families without the means or access to tutoring by providing free, quality online tutoring sessions for students.

Especially during this unprecedented time when many children in our communities do not have equal access to instruction from teachers, they strive to support and enhance their education.

Through one-on-one online tutoring sessions, Tutor Together provides free tutoring for students from Kindergarten through eighth grade. One-hour sessions are led by qualified, successful high school students through Zoom.