August 19, 2022

On today's show, Adrian and Ethan discuss how good vision and eye health are important to children's success in the classroom.

August is Children's Eye Health and Safety Month. Eye problems are very common in children. Left untreated, these conditions can have a serious effect on a child’s learning, development, athletic performance, and overall health.

75-90% of learning in a classroom occurs through the visual system. If the visual system is not working properly, it can seriously impact a student’s ability to succeed.

It has been estimated that 25% of ALL children have a vision problem significant enough to affect their performance in school. According to research of disabled populations, the number of kids with significant learning related vision problems can soar closer to 85% in these studies.

When a child has difficulty focusing or cannot see things clearly, his learning and attention can suffer. In fact, the American Optometric Association estimates that 60% of learning disabilities are associated with vision problems.

COVID lockdown has changed children's eyes. Many children use devices around the clock for both school and play. This, combined with delayed vision screenings during the pandemic, has created many issues for children’s eyesight. Some children who were already nearsighted now seem to experience worsening vision at a faster-than-expected rate.

By keeping children indoors, the pandemic also limited one factor thought to lower the risk of myopia: time outside. It’s a chance to focus on different distances and be in the sunlight.